Your StudioKOHLER space
Your StudioKOHLER space
A magnificent mosaic of people and traditions from all over the globe, Canada is characterized as a country of unparalleled cultural diversity. This rich diversity brings an enormous sense of pride to its inhabitants and is embraced throughout the region in various ways—perhaps most visibly in Canadian architecture and design.
The extraordinary architectural and design narrative is also a reflection of Canada’s ideals, which go beyond design for design’s sake. Rather, the approach is to ensure that each and every aspect of the design has a meaning and purpose. Taking inspiration from European trends and ideas, Canadian design and architecture generally lean toward contemporary, modern, and high-tech.
When specifying projects in North America, culture is an important characteristic. However, considerations such as plumbing configuration and typical building construction affect what products are specified, especially in the bathroom. Below are bathroom products typically specified in Canada: