Your StudioKOHLER space
Your StudioKOHLER space
The spirit of trailblazing and challenging convention is as vibrant as ever in the United States today. Within its diverse population, individuality is celebrated in lifestyle, fashion and design. Personal expression rises above trends to create a design language in the United States that is ever-evolving. Spaces are designed to reflect those who interact with them the most. As technology advances and the desire to re-center increases, bold new technology has found its way into the eclectic designs of day-to-day American life. Neutrals are as important as ever, but the desire for personalization persists, allowing users to customize their spaces for elevated, tech-forward experiences. Similar to its eclectic past, the future of the U.S.A. likely holds continued evolvement and redefining of aesthetics.
When specifying projects in the U.S.A., culture is an important characteristic. However, considerations like plumbing configuration and typical building construction affect what products are specified, especially in the bathroom. Below is a guide to bathroom products typically specified in the U.S.A.: